Sacrament of Penance

Holy Confession on Tuesdays after Mass. at 19.00
in the chapel of St. Thomas Moore.
Holy Confession on Fridays during Adoration from 19.00
in the Church of St. Peters.

The following explanations apply to Poles belonging to parishes within the structures of the Polish Catholic Mission in England and Wales, who wish to enter into a sacramental marriage and have lived in England for more than 6 months.
Poles staying in England for less than 6 months take care of all formalities in Poland.
Poles attending English Catholic churches must contact their parish priest who will explain the procedures in that country.
Bride and groom who have lived in England for over 6 months and belong to the parish of the Polish Catholic Mission and wish to enter into a sacramental marriage, should contact their priest 6 months before the planned wedding date.
Before setting the wedding date, please urgently contact the PMK marriage office in the following cases:
- persons who previously entered into any marriage dissolved by a final divorce decree; this also applies to those brides who have already entered into another civil relationship
- non-Catholics who have entered into any marriage in the past and it has been civilly dissolved, because a declaration of unmarried status will be required for the conclusion of a sacramental marriage by the Catholic Diocesan Tribunal, and the process may take up to 18 months.
- Catholics who have been declared invalid before the sacrament of marriage
- Catholics who entered into a civil union in the past which ended in divorce
The protocol of the Canonical Examination of Brides can only be drawn up after confirmation of the unmarried status by the Vicar Delegate for Poles.
More information can be found on the website of the Polish Catholic Mission:
The Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism takes place after individual agreement with the Pastor.
Important: First, discuss the date and place of baptism with the priest and then with the family.
Required documents:
Child: full birth certificate
Godparents: certificate from their pastor that they can act as a father or godmother.
Godparents are chosen by the child's parents from among believers and religious people. The godparents are to help the child's parents in fulfilling the obligation of Christian upbringing, therefore they should be over 16 years of age, deeply religious Catholics who have received the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist.
Those who are in church punishments, who are not practicing, those who are in civil unmarried couples without church weddings, and the parents of the child cannot act as godparents.
Before baptism, godparents should show a certificate from their parish that they can perform this function.

Preparation for First Holy Communion will start in September. You will find the children's registration cards on the table at the end of the church.
The chaplain will receive applications for children until July 3, 2022 inclusive.
Sacrament of Confirmation