Gift Aid - How to support our parishes financially at no extra cost.
1. What is Gift Aid?
It is a form of parish aid that, as a charity, has the option of recovering the tax. For every pound donated by Gift Aid, the parish can get back 25p from the Tax Office.
2. Who can join Gift Aid?
Anyone who pays UK income tax.
3. How does it work in practice?
4. An additional benefit of Gift Aid.
After signing the declaration, the parish has the right to recover the tax paid up to 4 years back.
5. What should I do to sign up for Gift Aid?
- Please complete the Gift Aid, download below.
- give it to the clerk, that is to Mr. Maciej Gerlik (Gloucester) and Mr. Przemek Chwolka (Cheltenham) or to Fr. The parish priest.
- pick up your Reference No. and the envelopes into which the offering will be put on I tray or:
- sign the so-called Standing Order in your bank with the amount and the frequency of donations to the parish account.
Gloucester: Sort Code: 30-94-57, Account No .: 00 61 87 36, Name: PCM Gloucester
Cheltenham: Sort Code: 30-94-57, Account No. - 00 61 71 79, name: PCM Cheltenham.
6. Frequently asked questions.
- Is wages more tax when making a sacrifice?
Not. The tax you have paid will be returned by the Inland Revenue.
- If the Gift Aid refund is greater than the tax I paid, do I have to pay something extra to the Tax Office?
Not. The office can charge you up to the amount you paid in tax and you don't have to pay anything extra.
- Why do you have to sign a Gift Aid Declaration?
The declaration is the official notification of the Tax Office that the money is intended for the parish named in the declaration.
- Can I opt out of Gift Aid payments?
Yes, you can opt out of this form of sacrifice at any time.
- Who can I find out more details from?
In each parish there is a Gift Aid person, the so-called clerk.
In our parish such persons are Mr. Maciej Gerlik 07784 527 444 (Gloucester)
and Mr. Przemek Chwolka 07950 465 840 (Cheltenham)