
Who like GOD
"I will stand at the gates of Paradise and will not enter until the last of my spiritual children has got there." st. Padre Pio
Community Who, like God, is the parish prayer group of St. Padre Pio.
We meet on Tuesdays at 7pm at STM Church in Cheltenham.
We begin with Holy Mass.
The meeting consists of two parts:
- prayer (adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, singing, worship, intercessory prayer)
- formation (prayer with the Word of God, sharing group).
Prayer meetings are open to everyone. You're welcome!
Thanksgiving and pleading intentions through Saint Padre Pio can be submitted every Sunday to the box at the entrance to the church.
"I belong completely to everyone. Anyone can say: Padre Pio is mine.
Contact with the Leader: Magdalena Zech-Frankowska
" Kto śpiewa, dwa razy się modli" św. Augustyn
Każdy, kto tylko, chce, lubi i potrafi Å›piewać i w ten sposób chce wychwalać Boga, może tworzyć naszÄ… wspólnotÄ™. Nie mamy żadnych ograniczeÅ„ wiekowych. WiekszÄ… część naszej grupy to cudownie zaangażowane dzieci. W tym momencie nasz chór tworzy ok. 35 osób. Choć nie mamy oficjalnej formacji to poprzez okresy roku liturgicznego, ÅšwiÄ™ta, Wspomnienia ÅšwiÄ™tych i UroczystoÅ›ci koÅ›cielne poznajemy różnorodność i piÄ™kno naszych polskich pieÅ›ni liturgicznych i piosenek religijnych. Repertuar i oprawa muzyczna Mszy ÅšwiÄ™tej pozwala dzieciom i mÅ‚odzieży lepiej poznać jej tajemnice. Próbujemy również naszych siÅ‚ poza koÅ›cioÅ‚em. Mamy na koncie wyróżnienie m.in w PrzeglÄ…dzie PieÅ›ni Patriotycznych w Coventry, wyróżnienie na Festiwalu Piosenek Religijnych Exodus w Poczesnej k.CzÄ™stochowy.
KoncertowaliÅ›my w Parafii w Bristolu i Worcester. Jak również w katedrze Gloucester. ByliÅ›my na każdej edycji PHD w Gloucester. Kilka razy w roku organizujemy koncerty okolicznoÅ›ciowe.
Nasze próby odbywajÄ… siÄ™ w każdÄ… Å›rodÄ™ o godz. 18.00 w koÅ›ciele w Gloucester I oczywiÅ›cie jesteÅ›my w każdÄ… NiedzielÄ™ o 12.30
kontakt: Ewa Gołębiowska

Our group is guided by the words of Saint Augustine: "To sing beautifully to God, it means to sing with joy. What does it mean to sing with joy?
It means to understand that you cannot express with words what is sung with your heart. " The band rehearsals take place every Monday at 6 p.m. in St Thomas Moore and every Sunday. Augustine exclaims to us: "People, learn to sing, learn to dance, because the Angels in Heaven will not know what to do with you."
We invite:).
Contact with the Leader - Magdalena Wójcicka
Home Church
The Church of the House is a charismatic movement, that is, one that was inspired by the Holy Spirit.
DK combines the charisms of the Light-Life Movement and the international Equipes Notre-Dame Catholic Marriage Movement (END), creating its own path, known as the charism of the Domestic Church.
Charism The Home Church is the charism of Light-Life on the path of the Spiritual Marriage.
The symbol of the Home Church is the sign of Fos-Zoe, which grows out of two wedding rings joined together. The symbol: Fos-Zoe (Light-Life) expresses the basic Charism of the Light-Life Movement.
In simple terms, the House Church it consists in the spouses' joint striving towards God by accepting the formation elements called Commitments.
There are two family circles in our parish and now a third circle is being formed, to which we cordially invite you. Kregi are made up of families (4-8). Each circle meets once a month and once with the Priest for formation.
The second circle meets on a predetermined Sunday after Mass
More information can be found at

The community of the bridegroom's friends
The Community of the Bridegroom's Friends is a formation and evangelization community, our community includes lay people (people of various states, couples, single marriages) who are at different spiritual levels, or people who are just beginning their journey with Christ. We mold ourselves from textbooks by meditating on God's Word each day to which a comment is added. Thanks to this, we can deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ and grow in faith. Friendly relationships develop between the members of our Community. We create a family, thanks to which we can count on each other and support each other not only in joy, but most of all in difficulties. We can share our faith experiences in everyday life. In our weekly meetings, we stand in unity in prayer, glorifying God. If someone would like to follow Jesus Christ in their everyday life, and do not know where to start, we cordially invite you to our meetings, which take place every Saturday at 5 pm at the English Martyrs Catholic Church 247 Tuffley Ln, Tuffley, Gloucester GL4 0NX.
Contact: Ewelina Jarmuszkiewicz